Hello All,
GeekDinner 4 was held at Sane Internet's offices. Sane provided drinks and tapas for us all to enjoy before getting down to an educational if somewhat technical presentation about Ajax. Judging by the questions asked those attending understood what Ajax is and how it can be implimented online - so mission accomplished...
Those attending included: Mauro Strione, John Williams (Sane Internet), Ian Mcloed, Simon, Ismael Ezerouali, Pablo Llaryora (Nexo Producciones Multimedia), Patrick Stapleton (Mercury Internet), Jonathon Drury (Words and Pictures), Mike Drury (gomarbella.com), Adrian Hill, Conor O'Connor (Sane Internet), Mark Russell.
During dinner at Garum we talked about how can Ajax be used to improve a users experience and the drawbacks.
You can down load Mauro's presentation here.